Delphine Paterson FCCA ACIB: 07780336952
Neil Paterson: 07803 724255

Qualified, experienced support

Our Project Support often goes hand in hand with our Management Account and Forecasting Systems to fast forward your plans. We streamline, produce, analyse and report your financial data with your strategic goals in mind. This would typically be linked to a financing, acquisition, MBO, business sale or growth project.

We ensure your financial systems, controls and reporting support your business growth and the intense scrutiny of any third parties that also need to understand your business. We help you work “on” as opposed to “in” your business, so you are informed on the past and prepared for the future.

Key benefits include:

  • Experienced finance professionals on your side.
  • Honest feedback and a shoulder to lean on.
  • Improved efficiencies and productivity.
  • Smarter financial reporting systems and working practices.
  • Tailored forecasts for intense cash flow management.
  • Easier strategic decisions through scenario forecasting.
  • Greater profitability through business analysis.
  • Confidence provided to lenders/investors/buyers.

If you need Project Support please call us on 07780 336952.